Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Guess I'll just update a little here... Wow now that my blog is locked I can pretty much type anything I want, ladeedumdeeda. Anyway, I guess this blog is gonna be kinda like my "time capsule", with all the stored thoughts and emotions that I'll be reading about in the future. Hmm. School's started, this is my second last semester bfroe internship. I'm with the junior batch now and I'm liking school way more than before. Not that I actually like school but just way better than before, especially since you-know-who is out of the way. I've been attending the lectures and tutorials and labs which I should deserve a major star for. I barely even made it to tutorials in the past, let alone the lectures! Thank You GOD for changing my perspective. I don't know how else I'd survive. Went up to KL last weekend and it was a ball of fun, food was fantastic too. Aiming to go to Kulang(pron. Klang) right before Christmas. I heard the sioba comes out at 9.30pm and the whole village comes out to buy it. I love this food explorer thingy that's going on, food is awe-some. Planning also to go up to US next march. Sea otters, Bethel, Moravian Falls? omg it's gonna be a blast man. In this season, I'm learning about God's goodness. So far so good, haha. I was struggling a little because I couldn't understand how I was gonna draw nearer to God if I have school everyday and I barely have time to talk but He spoke about how goodness is experiential and it's really more of Him drawing me than I am drawing Him ísn't it? God is just so amazing. Looking back to the past, I think I've already gone through some"inner healing, though I'd expect more to come. Seems like my self-esteem issues have diminished greatly. Somehow, I feel like my emotions and self are coming back to me. Previously for the past two years, I pretty much surpressed everything so I didn't need to care about anything in the world. Now it seems like I'm almost back to who I was in the past, without the scum. I'm not too sure what's going on though... is this part of who I am? Is this who God is working on? I guess He didn't want a surpressed me either. Why would anyone want to work on a robot, lol. I'll figure out soon enough. Better get cracking on my MBIO, term test is in 2 weeks and I wanna pass everything. Adios self.

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