WHAT a journey! Singapore, Canada, NZ.
So... getting back into the habit of blogging, I am. I don't think I can type out all that's happened in the last 2 years 'cause that would probably take me 2 weeks, 200000 pages and a good memory - of which I have to say...needs improvement.
I am in Snells Beach right now. NZ, no it's not part of the Shire. I've been staying here for a week now and it has been pretty cool so far. I'm rather taken aback as to what God has in store for this place (hint: David's tabernacle, Amos 9:11) which is pretty awesome. Although I do feel amiss sometimes, mostly cause I'm so foreign here y'know. And not forgetting that it is an extremely rural place, which can be a nice break from the city as I get to see the pretty stars and lush green pastures. "The Lord makes me lie on green pastures, He leads me by still waters, He restores my soul." Mmm, indeed.
I am working for HuHu Studios now, as an intern. I'm not quite doing what I want to do, or at least what I think I want to do... but I've been learning to in some way, serve another's vision and also to be well-versed in different areas. I've been single-minded for far too long. It's time to be... open-minded! Haha. Sometimes I wonder if I even use my mind really. Whoever said that a vision was to serve a single purpose anyway... Of course not straying away from the Father's Heart is important, lol. I guess I mean it shouldn't be just focused on one aspect, which I tend to do often, as I have all my life, haa.
I'll be honest it's been a tough year in Vancity. I just felt so strained and far away from what I used to experience. And that can be a real pain when you suffer from constant desires to live in the same past experience (which I learn is something you don't want to have as well). Really I think I've just been in a different season. It was hard to accept myself in that season. Just feels like you've sinned so greatly that you should be banned from Heaven and Earth. Of course that's a silly lie because I couldn't adjust my perspective. And yet God has been gracious, ever so. Somehow it has been easier to connect with God here, I almost feel as if I've just taken a booster shot of confidence as well along with the excitement to explore NZ.
One thing for sure is that - I really do need to stop feeding my mentality with my emotions. Sometimes I just get so caught up with what I'm feeling that I just go into this "withdrawal" mood. And that really sucks because then I'm just telling myself things that aren't in fact true! Now what can I do... I think a good start would be to constantly remind myself that my emotions although very real, does not necessarily mean truth! Eh.
Thank God for His grace, granting me boldness and confidence. I don't know what I'd do without God. "WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONEEEE, IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR LOVVVVE" Ah epic song. It's been good so far here, there're some friendly people I've met that have been or if not, will be a great blessing in my life God bless their hearts. Okay I should go to bed soon (it's 8.34pm!) Yes 10 hours of sleep is essential although there really is no such thing in the entertainment industry, ha ha.
Here's a first: they need a ton of improvement... but gonna start posting a couple of sketches to get me going on my little learn-to-draw quest, let's see how far I get :)
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